Line tracing-now applescript

sims sims at
Sun Feb 2 00:13:01 EST 2003

>I just hadn't thought of uploading it there.  All I did was find a snippet
>off the Web and modified it for the Rev type code, and then compiled it to a


>While this works great in OS 9 it fails in OS X, providing the "Nothing is
>selected" feedback.
>Hopoefully one of you AppleScript gurus can explain:  Why would the method
>by which I'm obtaining the file list work perfectly in Classic but not in OS

I cannot explain your script but here is one I use to change text files into
BBEdit files (I find BBEdit very handy), I just modified it for Rev.

Works here on 10.2.1 & 9.2



on run
	tell application "Finder"
		set theList to selection
		if (count items in theList) = 1 then
			set theList to {}
		end if
	end tell
end run

on open theList
end open

on MakeAppleAliases(theList)
	set NoItemsSelectedFlag to true -- initialize the flag
	tell application "Finder"
		repeat with x in theList
			set NoItemsSelectedFlag to false
				set the creator type of x to "Revo"
				set the file type of x to "RSTK"
			on error
				error "There was an error converting the file."
			end try
		end repeat
	end tell
	if NoItemsSelectedFlag then
		display dialog "You have not selected anything."
	end if
end MakeAppleAliases
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