Hair Pulling Time

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Wed Dec 31 03:38:54 EST 2003

--- Scott Rossi <scott at> wrote:
> Can anyone explain to me why the following script
> works from the message box
> and not from a mouseUp handler in a button in the
> same stack?
>   choose select tool
>   drag from topleft of img "wdm" to bottomright of
> img "wdm"
> Rev returns a useless compiling error that reads:
> Type    Function: missing '('
> Object  Button 1
> Line
> Hint
> I assume there must be some bug occurring here?  At
> this point I need to
> join the Hair Club for Men.
> Regards,
> Scott Rossi

Hi Scott,

Have you tried the following ?

lock messages
choose select tool
put the topleft of img "wdm" into tTopLeft
put the bottomright of img "wdm" into tBottomRight
drag from ttopleft to tbottomright
unlock messages

Rev messages may interfere, plus the compiler might
get confused because both topleft and bottomright come
with a comma, and pasting it all together could lead
to strange results.

Hope this helped -- if that doesn't do it, I'm out of
ideas, unfortunately.

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."  (La Rochefoucauld)

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