Post , UrlDecode and Ampersand

Ken Ray kray at
Sun Dec 21 00:42:40 EST 2003

> on startup
> if $REQUEST_METHOD is "POST" then
> ## repeat read to get around bug in reading stnIn
>  repeat until length(tIncoming) >= $CONTENT_LENGTH
>    read from stdin until empty
>    put it after tIncoming
>  end repeat
>   put  urlDecode (tIncoming)  into tDataIn
>   split tDataIn by "&" and "="

Sannyasin... Why don't you do the split *before* you urlDecode? This way you
won't have to worry about the ampersands, and all you'll have to do is
urlDecode the element you're trying to retrieve from the tDataIn array.

Works here for me...

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
Email: kray at

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