Christmas stocking stuffer ideas?

cteno4 cteno4 at
Fri Dec 19 22:47:58 EST 2003

one simple one is a nice little slide show program with some nice music 
and pictures. nasa, noaa and some of the other gov agencies have a lot of 
nice high res picts on line that are in the public domain. just play a 
aiff and randomly display images. could allow folks to customize speed, 
audio track and image types also to get fancy! for family you can also 
scan in all those family photos and for folks you have traveled with its 
a great way to share those travel picts that never come out of the 

happy holidays


use-revolution-request at wrote on 12/19/03 6:23 PM

>Subject: Christmas stocking stuffer ideas?
>To: use-revolution at
>Message-ID: <DDF75924-3260-11D8-A516-000A9567A3E6 at>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
>I am considering putting custom CDs in Christmas stockings this year.  
>Maybe they can be handy if there is not too much chocolate smeared over 
>them.  Being a cheap old buzzard, I'm looking for free programs made 
>with Revolution.  Or stacks I can get permission to customize and make 
>applications out of.  Or just plain ideas, since I can make simple 
>Revolution applications very fast.  The cool thing about revolution is 
>that family all over have Windows, OS X and Mac OS and I might be able 
>to include similar programs for everybody.
>I wish all a good Christmas including great holiday fun and nice 
>presents.  For me, this is also a time of worship and reflection.
>Dar Scott
>(whose beard is looking more white than the usual dirty-grey for some 

Jeffrey H. Reynolds
6620 Michaels Dr.
Bethesda, MD  20817


email: cteno4 at
       cteno4 at

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