Tools design (was Re: Metacard support)
Alex Rice
alex at
Tue Dec 9 16:46:50 EST 2003
On Dec 8, 2003, at 1:55 PM, Richard Gaskin wrote:
> ...and in some cases positively. Geoff Canyon's Navigator is very
> powerful,
> but like Emacs it's not as intuitive as less powerful alternatives.
I keep thinking about this one Richard. It's apropos for me because I
am a die hard Emacs user, but not (yet) a Rev Navigator plugin user. I
keep hearing how powerful Rev Navigator is but I have yet to penetrate
the GUI enough to grok it.
As for Emacs- in retrospect the only reason I sat down and studied hard
and made the real effort to learn Emacs enough to become really
proficient with it was: because I worked with some folks who where very
experienced Emacs users. I saw how productive they were, how quickly
and precisely they could edit many files and buffers. That really
piqued my interest.
So I need to look over someone's shoulder and see with my own eyeballs
how powerful Rev Navigator is. How about some animated demo stacks,
Geoff? :-)
> In many cases there is a trade-off between learnability and usability.
> ...
Maybe always?
Unlike Kai who thought he could paint-in the usability, or Apple's Aqua
(the HIG du jour), or Windows (take the Windows Explorer GUI and clone
it). Instead as xplatform, 4GL developers we should take practical
steps in our apps by designing with use-cases, and making learnable,
usable interfaces.
Larry Constantine says "An effective architecture allows users to move
freely from one set of facilities to another [acquisition, transition,
production], rather than forcing them to think and operate in one
particular mode across the board." _Software for Use_ in chapter "Once
a Beginner: Supporting Evolving Usage Patterns".
> Meanwhile, multi-platform developers sit in the middle of the OS wars,
> like
> third-world countries trampled in the proxy wars of the Cold War era,
> trying
> to decide if the confirmation button in a dialog should be on the
> right as
> in Mac OS or on the left as in Windows. ::sigh::
Another reason I like _Software for Use_ is it's platform agnostic for
the most part. Most of the screen shots are from Windows apps, but it
doesn't matter re: the message. Instead of having blind faith that
Apple or Microsoft will give us the true answers in their HIG, Software
for Use has real world, common sense, psychologically valid, useful
stuff. I can only hope to one day have heeded most of the advice in the
book! <>
But at the end, the question about placement of the dialog confirmation
button will still be unanswered because the Software for Use analysis
would maybe only lead us to conclude "wait, that confirmation dialog
was just a hinderance to begin with" and get rid of it. :-)
Alex Rice <alex at> | Mindlube Software |
what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable -Ani DiFranco
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