announce file transfer application

Bob Hartley bob at
Mon Dec 8 12:18:34 EST 2003

Hi all

I'm just announcing my wee free application for searching chosen 
directories for filetypes.

This was designed really to get only the raw01,02,03 files from my confocal 
microscope and leave all the rubbish behind. :-)

However, I have adapted it to transfer files of many types. Pretty basic 

The next incarnation will allow selection of files in the list box, 
however. I thought it was a good enough example to release to you all.

This is also a great (if I dont mind saying so myself) example of what a 
complete beginner, to any form of programming whatsoever, can do in 
revolution in a week (with your help).

Please feel free to modify the .rev file in any way but I would appreciate 
a mail to let me know.

the URL for download is

The screenshot is on

What a brilliant application revolution is. Can we have it for RISC OS? 
(ohh that's right, I asked that already) :-)

Bob; Sunny Scotland

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