How do I create an unreferenced image?

Ken Norris pixelbird at
Mon Dec 1 23:38:39 EST 2003

Hi Graham,

> Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2003 00:09:05 +0000
> From: Graham Samuel <livfoss at>
> Subject: Re: How do I create an unreferenced image?

> once I've worked out how to name the
> image after it's imported (don't worry, I'm sure that this is trivial
> although it's not mentioned in the documentation for 'import' - I guess
> I just have to find the last numbered image and change its name).
Yes, but you could write it into the script, pretty much like you just said:

get the id of the last image
set the name of image id it to "MyFabulousDrawing"

Are you importing a bunch of images? You might want to look at "All Images
In Folder" (Import As Control submenu). That will batch import them all at
once. Then just write a loop to go through them and rename them.

Ken N.

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