Something Screwy With File Creation in OS X?

Dan Shafer dan at
Fri Aug 29 02:52:01 EDT 2003

OK, I know it's late and I suspect this is something stupid I'm 
overlooking but I've bashed my head about enough tonight.

I have a script:

on mouseUp
   global someVar
   put someVar into URL "file:foo.txt"
end mouseUp

Works fine. Returns empty result. From the message box, I can type:

get url "file:foo.txt"; put it

and I get the expected result.

But Finder is completely unable to locate the file. Searches for the 
file name by every possible criterion come up empty. I want to use a 
text editor to examine the file for instructional purposes but I can't 
find the darned thing.

OK, I'm ready with the Stupid Stick.

Dan Shafer, Revolutionary
Author of forthcoming 3-book set,
"Revolution: Programming at the Speed of Thought" for More Info

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