here's a challenge

Chris Sheffield revlist at
Thu Aug 28 12:56:01 EDT 2003

Thanks to Dar, Sarah, and Monte for a solution to this.  I was able to use a
combination of your suggestions to make it work.  If anyone is interested,
here's my final script for this:

on mouseMove pMouseH, pMouseV
  -- only if we're timing
  if the cTiming of this stack and the cShowGuide of this stack then
    put (pMouseV - the top of fld "myText" + the margins of fld "myText") \
div (the textHeight of fld "myText") into tLineNum
    if tLineNum is 0 then
      put 1 into tLineNum
    end if
    if tLineNum > (the height of fld "myText" div the textHeight of fld
"myText") then
      put (the height of fld "myText" div the textHeight of fld "myText")
into tLineNum
    end if
    set the top of grc "ReadingGuide" to the top of fld "myText" + \
        (the margins of fld "myText" div 2) + (the textHeight of fld
"myText" * (tLineNum-1))
  end if
end mouseMove

Works like a charm.  There's still some tweaking to do, but it's looking
good.  Thanks again.


Chris Sheffield
Software Development
Read Naturally
csheffield at

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