Lost Rev. icons in my stacks (Windows XP platfoem)

Anthony Kouvousis anthonyk at fastq.com
Wed Aug 27 21:53:01 EDT 2003

On windows XP using the uninstaller, I uninstalled Rev 1.1.1,  Rev 2.0,
and Rev 2.01, BUT kept the rev 2.02 folder. I did so to save disk space
and I thought that it is good practice to keep the latest version only
on my computer.

Result: I lost all the Rev icons of my stacks. Further more, when I
double click on a stack, the stack doesn't open and I get this weird
message that Windows cannot open this file and to choose an application
to open this file from a Windows list (in which Rev is not there).

It offers me the option to go to the web to find the application. I go
to the web and the answer I get is file type: unknown (because Rev
doesn't belong to some file association...)

Frustrated, I reinstalled Rev 2.0 but still the icons are of a little
square with six color dots inside.

Question: How do I get back the Rev icons for my stacks? This is
important because I want to be able to double click on the stack (which
is inside the Rev 2.02 folder) so that I can open it. I also hate to see
my stacks having a non-Rev icon!

Finally, I installed Rev. 2.1 and placed my stacks inside this folder. Still I don't have the Rev. icon in any of the stacks!

Is this a Windows problem or Rev. problem?

I will appreciate any help..


Anthony Kouvoussis

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