drag and drop

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Wed Aug 27 09:09:01 EDT 2003

Hi Martin,

> is it possible to create an app in revolution that allows you to drag
> applications icon onto it to create a link, like the launcher in Mac 
> OS9.

Sure since version 2.xx

> I'm asking as I don't know much about what revolution can do and I am
> interested in how it handles drag and drop.

Here are some scripts to get you started...

You can put this into a fields script, so you will end with the path to 
the dropped
object in that field, just a basic idea... ;-)

on dragenter
   set the acceptdrop to true
   ## NOW the user may dragdrop things
end dragenter

on dragdrop
   ## User dropped something onto your field
    repeat for each line l in the dragdata
    ## could be more than 1 file
      put l & CR after ddd
    end repeat
    put ddd into me
end dragdrop

Now you have the path and can do whatever you want with ;-)

> Martin Pilkington
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Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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