repeat for each....

Geoff Canyon gcanyon at
Tue Aug 26 02:18:37 EDT 2003

On Monday, August 25, 2003, at 05:45  AM, Mark Smith wrote:

> on tryLoopWith
>   put "a,b,c,d,e,f" into charList
>   repeat with n = 1 to the number of items in charList
>     put item n of charList into line n of newCharList
>   end repeat
>   put newCharList && "with"
> end tryLoopWith

Others have answered the "repeat for each" question, but I can't 
resist: this will also do the trick:

on tryLoopWith
   put "a,b,c,d,e,f" into charList
   put charList into newCharList
   replace "," with cr in newCharList
   put newCharList && "with"
end tryLoopWith


Geoff Canyon
gcanyon at

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