Scrollbar oddity

Ray G. Miller rgmiller at
Mon Aug 25 15:33:00 EDT 2003

Have a possible bug in the scrollbars.

I have a window which displays thumbnail-sized pix-- 2 columns by 3 
rows-- that is, six pictures are displayed at one time.

The user can "mark" any pix by a checkBox under each picture. He can 
then switch between the main database and the marked list by flipping a 

The problem is than if the user selects less than 7 pix, then flips to 
the marked list and then back to the main list, the lineIncrement and 
the pageIncrement go wonkie. The scrollBar sez it's set to 5 and 76, 

Selecting 7 or more pix will "normalize" the scrollBar.

Any ideas?

on setTheScrollBar
   global gLineInc,gPageInc -- gLineInc is set elsewhere at 152
   put the number of lines in fld "ed.thePixDB" into theNum
   put 6 into numOfPix ## in the display
   put ((theNum) + (theNum mod 2) - numOfPix) * gLineInc into theEnd
   if theEnd < gLineInc then put gLineInc into theEnd ### less than 6 
pix to show

   set the startValue of part "thePixScroll" to gLineInc
   set the endValue of part "thePixScroll" to theEnd

   put 2 * gLineInc into theLineInc ### to scroll properly 'cause it's 2 
pix wide!!!!

   set the lineIncrement of part "thePixScroll" to theLineInc
   set the pageIncrement of part "thePixScroll" to gPageInc

   ## put  theLineInc , gPageInc
   ## should be "912,304" but becomes 76,5 if number of pix < 7 !!

   set the thumbPos of part "thePixScroll" to gLineInc

   ##  set the thumb size
   put (gPageInc/numOfPix) + (theLineInc/4) - gLineInc into theThumSiz
   set the thumbSize of part "thePixScroll" to theThumSiz

   ##  show how many marked record
   put "1 of " & theNum & " records" into fld "theCount"

   scrollThisList gLineInc ### reset to top of scroll
end setTheScrollBar

Ray G. Miller
Turtlelips Productions
4009 Everett Ave.
Oakland, CA 94602
MailTo:rgmiller at
(V) 510.530.1971
(F) 510.482.3491

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