News from Mac OSX - Mysterious Serial Port
cteno4 at
Fri Aug 22 09:25:00 EDT 2003
the easiest way to futz with serial port connections is to go to radio
shack (or beter yet the local electronics store) and buy a bag of the
little crimp on male and female pins (for the serial connectors that use
these, you connect your wire then push it into the connector housing in
the proper pin hole). then make some lenghts of 24g wire with the proper
male or female pins on each end. then you can stick them into the
holes/pins on each piece of equipment in different configurations untill
you get communication. just make sure they dont short out on each other.
they usually plug in tight and dont, but if you want to be sure on this,
paint the outside of the female pins and the top (non plug end) of the
male pins with fingernail polish or use a little piece of heat shrink. i
usually just plug away and just make sure there is no strain on the wires
which could ever pull two of the crimpons togeather.
once you have the proper pins connected up you can note the config and
either build good cables or just pop the pins into the connector housings
and go with your 'bread boarded' wires. works wonders. much better than
trying to use one of those breakout boxes and futzing with adaptors (some
of which do crossovers on you and dont note it...).
I have gotten good serial communications going on the old mac ports with
all sorts of stuff w/o handshaking, just ground and snd/rcv.
best of luck,
Jeffrey H. Reynolds, Ph.D.
6620 Michaels Dr.
Bethesda, MD 20817
email: cteno4 at
cteno4 at
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