stacks that make stacks

Joel Rees joel at
Thu Aug 21 20:55:00 EDT 2003

A customer has brought us an old training stack that they want moved
from Hypercard to something that runs on MSWindows, and I just noticed
that the grading function produces stacks, not files. And then I clicked
on one of those stacks yesterday, and the grade results stacks
multiplied like rabbits. I'm not sure whether the customer really cares
whether the grade stacks can also reproduce, but they will probably want
the training stack to produce at least one complete set of grades stacks.

I know I've read something on this somewhere, but can Revolution can
make stacks that make stacks? 

And, if it can, does distributing a stack that makes a stack induce
licensing issues?

Joel Rees, programmer, Systems Group
Altech Corporation (Alpsgiken), Osaka, Japan

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