Unique ID on Win

Ken Ray kray at sonsothunder.com
Wed Aug 20 21:13:00 EDT 2003

You could write a VBS file and launch it from Rev, but you would
probably butt heads with Norton anyway.

You could "put the hostName()" - that might work if the host is uniquely
named and doesn't just return "localhost".

Sorry, don't have any other ideas that don't involve shell(),

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Email: kray at sonsothunder.com
Web Site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/ 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: use-revolution-admin at lists.runrev.com 
> [mailto:use-revolution-admin at lists.runrev.com] On Behalf Of curry
> Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2003 7:47 PM
> To: use-revolution at lists.runrev.com
> Subject: Unique ID on Win
> Is there a way to uniquely identify a Windoze computer or the startup 
> drive thereof without using "shell" (to avoid the Norton AutoProtect 
> issue)?
> Thanks,
> Curry
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