Irritated at something, I think

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Wed Aug 20 16:08:00 EDT 2003

On 8/20/03 1:15 PM, T. R. Ponn wrote:

> Sooooo.....I finsh my app (or nearly) and I want to include a menu bar. 
> Hating whitespace(call me anal ;-) ), my graphics extend all the way to 
> the top of the window.  Using Menu Manager, I set about building my 
> menus and check the "Set as Menu Bar on Mac OS" box. layout 
> gets cropped.'s a workaround...move the Menu up off the 
> window!

You'll have problems on any OS that isn't a Mac. Rule of thumb is that 
if you want to have a menu bar, the top 20-30 pixels in the stack do not 
belong to you. They belong to your menu bar. Since you already have 
objects in the stack, you'll need to make the stack taller, push all 
existing objects down by that amount, and place the menu group into the 
space at the top. It is easier to just create a menubar first on new 
stacks before placing any other objects, but you can make room for one 
after the fact by moving everything.

For more info and a script to help you push everything downward, read here:


Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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