Richmond, rudeness and commercial enterprise

Dar Scott dsc at
Mon Aug 18 19:48:00 EDT 2003

On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 06:17 PM, Judy Perry wrote:

> Meanwhile, I'm lucky to have a single course to teach and so far we'll 
> be
> using the old 1.x 10-line limited demo until I can beg the department 
> for
> the paltry $500 to get a lab license...

Maybe the department can buy a $75 version and after seeing what you 
can do with that will insist you buy more.

> Sorry... universities -- especially state-funded ones -- are black 
> holes
> for kleptocrats.

I understand your feelings.

The processes that cause higher education costs to increase faster than 
inflation are the same ones that twist one's arm and encourage one to 
go to a state-funded school.

Are you a grad student at Fullerton?

Dar Scott

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