Best way to set up an idle timer - The prize goes to...
Devin Asay
devin_asay at
Mon Aug 18 13:57:00 EDT 2003
Thanks to Dar, Sarah and Edwin, and Jan (and anyone else I'm
forgetting) for their help on this. It's working flawlessly now.
This bit was especially helpful, Sarah:
On Monday, August 18, 2003, at 01:27 AM, Sarah
<sarahr at> wrote:
> Other people have suggested storing the result of the "send" and using
> that as a cancel parameter, but I prefer to be more heavy-handed than
> that, as I find that this still leaves the possibility of spawning
> multiple messages:
> Put the following handler in your stack script and in resetLogout,
> replace the first line with:
> cancelMessageName logoutQuery
> on cancelMessageName handlerName
> put the pendingMessages into pMess
> repeat for each line p in pMess
> if item 3 of p contains handlerName then cancel item 1 of p
> end repeat
> end cancelMessageName
For anyone interested, this is what I ended up with:
==============start script sample (line wrapping alert!)============
-- first of all, put into an otherwise unused script:
on mouseMove
send "resetLogout" to stack "chinpr"
pass mouseMove
end mouseMove
on rawKeyDown
send "resetLogout" to stack "chinpr"
pass rawKeyDown
end rawKeyDown
-- then I put into my stack script:
on openStack
-- my other openStack junk here
insert the script of image "P&Rbg1.jpg" of stack "chinpr" into front
-- this handles mouseMove and rawKeyDown
resetLogout -- start the logout countdown
end openStack
on logoutQuery
if the userPIN of this stack is not empty then
answer "An appropriate prompt here." with "Logout" or "Enter PIN..."
if it is "Enter PIN..." then -- (user chose to continue)
ask "Enter your PIN to continue the test."
if it is the userPIN of this stack then
exit repeat
answer information "Incorrect PIN. Try Again or Logout?" with
"Logout" or "Try Again"
if it is "Logout" then
go card "menu" of stack "chinpr"
exit repeat
end if
end if
end repeat
exit logoutquery
else if it is "Logout" then -- (user chose to log out)
go card "menu" of stack "chinpr"
exit logoutQuery
end if
end if
end logoutQuery
on resetLogout
-- cancel item 1 of last line of the pendingMessages
put the pendingMessages into pndgMsgs
repeat for each line thisMsg in pndgMsgs
if item 3 of thisMsg contains "logoutQuery" then cancel item 1 of
end repeat
send "logoutQuery" to stack "chinpr" in 5 * 60 seconds -- or whatever
time period you want
end resetLogout
========================end script sample==========================
Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University
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