How to implement an Agree/Disagree License agreement?-serial number?

Dar Scott dsc at
Sat Aug 16 11:04:00 EDT 2003

On Saturday, August 16, 2003, at 07:58 AM, John Tenny wrote:

> And is there a random serial number generator out there? Do they HAVE 
> to be as long as the Rev serial numbers?

No, it doesn't have to be as long.  It includes embedded info and I 
would guess it is double what it might be even then.

Here is a very short verification code generator (off the top of my 

-- keep this secret somehow and share it between the product and 
local secret = "John Tenny's Blaster 4000 LE"

function verificationCode userEmailAddress
   return char 1 to 5 of base64Encode(md5digest(userEmailAddress&secret))
end verificationCode

function isValidCode userEmailAddress code
   set caseSensitive to true
   return code = verificationCode(userEmailAddress)
end isValidCode

Gotta run; you may need to repair this.

Dar Scott

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