A tip when using externals and cloning stacks

Dar Scott dsc at swcp.com
Wed Aug 13 13:31:00 EDT 2003

On Wednesday, August 13, 2003, at 11:05 AM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> I've entered an enhancement request into Bugzilla asking that Rev add 
> a command that will dynamically load externals via script. This would 
> circumvent all the various problems many of us are having, because we 
> could choose to load the platform-specific external as needed instead 
> of relying on the current setup which depends on many factors, such as 
> the defaultFolder and some kind of magic when a stack opens.

This might allow an application to birth an appropriate external 
instead of relying on an installer.

     Dar Scott Consulting
     Programming Services

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