Unable to switch to version 2.
Pierre Sahores
psahores at easynet.fr
Tue Aug 12 05:45:01 EDT 2003
Jan Schenkel wrote:
> --- taillade <taillade.m at wanadoo.fr> wrote:
>>Thank you Jan for your prompt answer
>>I tried stepping many time through the scripts and
>>it goes wrong at the
>>following step
>> put vgstack into vgStackactif -- where vgstack
>>is the name of the
>>stack to go
>> do "go stack"&&vgstackactif
>>When arriving to the line do "go stack ... either it
>>enter into an
>>endless loop or it skips the line.
>>>it's possible that you
>>>set a custom property somewhere and it gets stuck
>>>an endless loop that way (setProp behaviour was
>>>altered in version 2.0).
>>I must say that I understand nothing to this problem
>>of setProp
>>What should I do to test your hypothesis?
>>Michel Taillade
> Bonjour Michel,
> Don't worry if you don't know what setProp is ; that
> means you're not using it and thus in all likelyhood
> it won't be the culprit :-)
> When you open the same stack from the "Open stack..."
> menu, do you get the same problem ?
> If so, try getting in by using :
> lock messages
> go stack "Foobar"
> unlock messages
> If you can get in without errors, use that opportunity
> to delve into its stack script, and see what happens
> on preOpenStack, openStack, preOpenCard and openCard
> (insert breakpoints there for debugging)
> If nothing is wrong with the stack script, do the same
> for the script of the first card of the stack.
> Hope this gets you closer to the error,
> Jan Schenkel.
> =====
> "As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time." (La Rochefoucauld)
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Hi Michel,
Are you able to open the "vgstack.rev" as a main stack in Rev 2.xx ? If
not, your are probably using MacOS X. Try, as a workaround,
1.- to save "vgstack.rev" as a mainstack if it is not, from within Rev
2.- to launch Rev and to open "vgstack.rev" by dropping it over the
Rev's application icon. This will open the stack and you will than be
able to save it with "save as" menu.
If this works and you need to set "vgstack.rev" as a substack again,
just do it, yet under Rev 2.xx
Hope this help.
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
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