Marketing Rev in Other Worlds (was Re: Script Limits and solid IDE evolution!)
Pierre Sahores
psahores at
Fri Aug 8 07:32:01 EDT 2003
Robert Brenstein wrote:
>> This discussion of the need for the RunRev folks to market not just
>> the product but the underlying xtalk/xcard paradigm to the world of
>> Windows in particular raises for me another issue that I think
>> prevents the product from achieving the kind of brilliant "Aha!"
>> success it richly deserves. I refer to the out-of-the-box experience.
>> When I showed my wife HyperCard a few months before it was released,
>> her reaction was, "I get it. Get out of the way and let me play." Her
>> response to Revolution when it opened was, "What's this? Another
>> programming thing?"
>> Professional programmers are going to be very slow to switch to
>> Revolution or to any xThing for that matter. It's hard enough to get a
>> programmer to change languages even when confronted with a
>> demonstrably superior alternative (I know; I spent a few years trying
>> to do that with Smalltalk). The real sweet spot market for Revolution,
>> as it was for HyperCard and the other xCard products, is what I have
>> long been referring to as the Inventive User (IU). IUs are people who:
> Good points. My reading on the recent changes and glimpes of planned
> changes is that Rev is indeed moving in that direction. However, so far,
> the strength of MetaCard were the professional developers (in a loose
> definition of those) and some of the changes along the way (for example,
> the forthcoming removal of dynamic script setting in standalones -- the
> original topic of this thread) may alienate at least some of them. What
> I am afraid of is that on the long term Rev will become just another
> Hypercard. For sure more powerful and with more features but not a tool
> competing seriously for commercial and semi-commercial development. Of
> course, it does not have to be that way and we can only hope the that
> Rev team ways their options carefully and do not focus solely on making
> a quick buck on short term.
> Robert Brenstein
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To the end, if i have to add an "Entreprise License" fees to the price
the end-user client will have to pay to get a fine deployement of the
product he purchased me (aka: without any restrictions about the dynamic
programming options), this will never be so expensive that it could
compromise the business.... On the other hand, if this can help RunTime
to get usefull incomes from his professional-grade developers, i think
it will be good for all...
Flaming reactions ?
Bien cordialement, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
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