Marketing Rev in Other Worlds
Pierre Sahores
psahores at
Fri Aug 8 07:06:00 EDT 2003
HyperChris at wrote:
> Very good point Dan Shafer.
> Rev almost needs a separate marketing, packaging, support and documentation
> approach for the mass market (and getting Apple to feature it or, dare I say,
> bundle it ... wouldn't hurt). I would not try and remove any of its basic
> features but rather put a different face on it for them.
> The existing program is wonderful but it is oriented towards US and not THEM
> and THEY have a lot more money !
> Dan Shafer writes:
> <<The real sweet spot market for Revolution, as it was
> for HyperCard and the other xCard products, is what I have long been
> referring to as the Inventive User (IU). IUs are people who:
> 1. Know their computers can do so much more to help them with their
> work than anyone has yet made them do.
> 2. Are smart and creative.
> 3. Can envision the solutions.
> 4. Are not professionally trained programmers or at least if they were
> at one point no longer earn their living coding
> 5. Probably working in a team or workgroup setting where they are the
> local IT department
> Those folks -- and there are millions of them -- NEED Revolution.
> Badly. But they're not going to take the time to tinker and learn the
> product after opening Revolution and being faced with a blank screen
> and a bunch of loosely connected floating palettes. Heck, they don't
> even get a blank stack window let alone a starting point. >>
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> use-revolution mailing list
> use-revolution at
Hi There,
At this point, i'm asking in myself if it would'nt be interesting to do
a test in about trying to put "for sale" some packaged "Studio's" issues
of RR (CD + papers user's and reference manuals) in some special
computer's dedicated stores and see what could happen.
There is, in Paris, a special technical Books Publisher/Store, many
developers visit lot of times per year : la librairie "Eyrolles" and i'm
no far from sure they would be OK, at Eyrolles, to do a test about this.
What do you think about the idea, Frédéric R. ?
The interest of such a test would be to see if there are, here in
France, people who would'nt never purchase an "unknowed product" over
the web but could be interested in testing RR because they can touch it
and read about it along they are holding the packaged box in hand.
The second question is directly adressed to you, Frederic R. : When i
did my first steeps in discovering Hypercard, i got a special usefull
help from a little book (less than 100 pages), you sure know about : the
Dunod/PSI "HyperTalk" by Jean-Jacques GREIF (1992). Don't you think that
it could be a good time to rewrite such an usefull syntax reference
"memento", focused on "Transcript", this time.
If interested, You, Kevin..., let me know, off-list. I would be OK to
write it.
Bests, Pierre Sahores
Inspection académique de Seine-Saint-Denis
Serveurs d'applications et SGBDR (Web/PGI)
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