Turtle Graphics
Roger Guay
rogerguay at centurytel.net
Wed Aug 6 21:57:11 EDT 2003
Thanks for these intriguing examples and the short tutorial on TG.
I'll have fun with these for some time.
> Message: 3
> Date: Tue, 5 Aug 2003 08:34:20 -0700
> To: use-revolution at lists.runrev.com
> From: Jim Hurley <jhurley at infostations.com>
> Subject: Turtle Graphics
> Reply-To: use-revolution at lists.runrev.com
> Greetings all,
> I have been working on a optics tutorial. It involves the
> manipulation of mirrors, lenses, microscopes, telescopes, focal
> points, light rays, fish, bugs, eyes, etc. I have found it useful to
> modify the traditional Turtle Graphics so that the language may be
> applied to any RR control and not just to the turtle drawing cursor.
> This will not be useful to the majority on this list, those whose
> primary objective is text manipulation. But for those interested in
> educational software or games, you may find TG a useful tool.
> Actually there are three flavors, each useful in a different
> circumstance. The first is "Control Graphics." The turtle becomes a
> metaphor for a control, any control--button, field, image, graphic.
> The Turtle Graphic vocabulary acts on the custom properties assigned
> to each control. These properties are:
> px, py, pangle,p PenDown, pPoints
> They are in order: The x and y Cartesian coordinates (measured
> relative to the center of the screen) the heading, the pen state (up
> or down--drawing or not) and the graphic points which define the line
> drawn by the control if the pen is down.
> For example, in the following handler, a hare moves in a circle
> chased by a fox. (The hare and fox are buttons with the obvious icon.)
> on mouseUp
> startTurtle "hare"
> startTurtle "fox"
> put 0 into theta
> put 5 into dTheta
> repeat until theta > 360
> tell "hare"
> setRA 200,theta -- Set the polar coord. radius and angle
> add dTheta to theta
> put xycor() into theHareLocation
> tell "fox"
> setheading direction(theHareLocation)
> forward 8
> end repeat
> end mouseUp
> The see some example of "Control Graphics" run this in the msg box:
> go url "http://home.infostations.net/jhurley/ControlGraphics.rev"
> (Richard: Would this be better: go url
> <http://home.infostations.net/jhurley/ControlGraphics.rev>?)
> ----------------------------------
> The second flavor is "Multiple Turtles" which is useful in programing
> graphic lines with different properties (color, line size, etc.) It
> only draws; it does not control the controls.
> The syntax is somewhat different from Control Graphics. As an
> example, the following handler draws a pinwheel with different
> colored spokes:
> on mouseUP
> put "red,orange,black,green,blue,violet" into colorList
> repeat with i = 1 to 6
> put "Spoke" &i into tName
> startTurtle tName
> set the forecolor of grc tName to item i of colorlist
> set the linesize of grc tName to 8
> setheading i*360/6
> forward 100
> stopturtle tName
> end repeat
> end mouseUP
> To see some examples run this in the msg box:
> go url "http://home.infostations.net/jhurley/MultipleTurtle.rev"
> -------------------------------------
> And lastly, there is the flavor which is most useful in teaching
> science students to program in Transcript. It addresses only the
> turtle graphic (the cursor). It draws an image rather than a graphic.
> (A graphic slows down dramatically for lengthy draws--the graphic
> must repeatedly be redrawn with each additional graphic points since
> this is an *evolving* line.) It is based on the assumption that
> beginning students are more receptive to graphic output rather than
> text. This has the potential for quite sophisticated applications.
> After a short while students learn how to program satellite
> orbits--the satellite being the turtle (cursor).
> For some examples, run this in the msg box:
> go url "http://home.infostations.net/jhurley/TurtleGraphics.rev"
> All three tools are RR 1.1.1 compatible.
> Jim
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