How to create a pop-up menu from a list of files in a folder?
Klaus Major
klaus at
Sun Aug 3 06:53:00 EDT 2003
Bonjour François,
ca va bien? :-)
> Hello everybody!
> Fine today?
> I want to create a popup menu with all the users of my application.
> All the settings for this users are in separate files (.edb) (one for
> each
> user) in a folder (Users).
> Where may I find how to do that?
if i understand you correctly you have the names of your users in theat
menu a la:
(See the P.S. below ;-)
John Doe
Jane Doe
Jim Bo
And you need a script that will read in the prefs-file for that user?
Then try this in the script of that menu-button:
on menupick quoi
### "quoi" will now hold the selected name of your user
put url("file:Users/" & quoi & ".edb") into my_userprefs
## will put the appropriate file into the var "my_userprefs"
## after creatin gthe string the engine will see somthing like:
## put url"file:Users/John Doe.edb" and will read in the correct
## do your prefs-stuff here
end menupick
Hope that helps...
> Or maybe one of the nice members of our list?:-)
> Thank you
De rien... :-)
> Friendly
> François
Klaus Major
klaus at
Sorry, its definitively tooooo hot (33 C° here in germany, mon dieu...)
I read the subject and i think my hint was not the correct one for your
problem... :-(
But here is how to do THAT ;-)
on xxx
## maybe openstack, opencard or preopen...
put the directory into olddir
## always a good idea to store the current folder and
## RE-store it afterwards... ;-)
set the directory to "Users"
put the files into foo
repeat for each line l in foo
if char -4 to -1 of foo = ".edb" then ## valid user prefs-files
put char 1 to -5 of foo & CR after foo_too
end if
end repeat
## will create a list of all the "valid" filenames in the folder
### the suffix .edb
delete char -1 of foo_too
## get rid of last CR
put foo_too into btn "name of menubutton here"
## now fill the menu-button (its just text ;-)
set the directory to olddir
## restore old directoy
end xxx
NOW you can use my first script :-)
Have a lazy sunday and don't move unecessarily ;-)
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