Wait 0 doesn't

Dar Scott dsc at swcp.com
Mon Apr 28 21:04:01 EDT 2003

On Monday, April 28, 2003, at 06:09 PM, Dar Scott wrote:

> on mouseup
>   put the long seconds into a
>   put the long seconds into b
>   wait 0 seconds
>   put the long seconds into c
>   wait 0 milliseconds
>   put the long seconds into d
>   wait 0 ticks
>   put the long seconds into e
>   put (c-b) & "  " & (d-c) & "  " & (e-d) into field "report"
> end mouseup
> I got results like this:
> 0.000708  0.000084  0.000075


I fiddled with this some more.

Minimum delay of about .7 ms seems to apply to the first wait.  The 
best I can tell, so far, it has nothing to do with seconds.

So, everything I suggested about your problem possibly being related to 
using seconds, Jim, is all wrong.

Not only that, it means I'm not able to confirm that waiting 0 takes 
very long.

Dar Scott

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