Strange behaviour of set the loc/set the rec (was 2.0 beta Bug?)

Dave Cragg dcragg at
Fri Apr 25 06:42:01 EDT 2003

At 12:10 pm +0200 25/4/03, tkuypers at wrote:

>Stack 1 has got a group named ³MyGroup²
>This group has got 1 custom property: pNewLoc
>Stack 2 has got a button with the script:
>On mouseUp
>     Put ³MyGroupName² into vMyGroup
>     Copy group vMyGroup of stack ³Stack1² to stack ³Stack2²
>     Close stack ³Stack1²
>     put the pNewLoc of group vMyGroup into vLoc
>     set the loc of group vMyGroup to vLoc
>End mouseUp
>The group is placed in stack 2 and stack 1 is closed, no errors, but the
>position of the group remains unchanged...
>When I enter the "set the loc..." command from the messagebox it works fine
>When I enter the "set the loc..." command from a separate button it works
>fine as well
>Same problem goes for setting the rect...

It's not just a typo, is it? (MyGroup vs MyGroupName). It seems to work here.


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