Can't build standalone for Windows only

Howard Bornstein bornstein at
Thu Apr 24 17:31:01 EDT 2003

I've been using the Distribution builder in 2.0 B2.5 without problem. 
Suddenly, while trying to build a Mac and Windows standalone, I'm getting 
the following message:

"Can't open destination standalone file [file path]filename.exe"

This happens at the point the distribution builder is saying:

"Attaching standalone engine to [filepath]"

This only happens on the Windows build. The Mac build goes fine. I've 
also got "Automatically download required software" checked. If I remove 
the Windows engine from the Engines folder, to try to get it to download 
a new Windows engine, the Builder reports: Downloading Engine: Error.

I went back to 2.0 pre-beta 4, where I had also had good success in 
building standalones, and it's giving me the same messages.

Of course, I have a product due today and am leaving for vacation 
tomorrow afternoon.

Any clues what's hanging up the build? I really need to get this done. 
(Is anyone willing to email me a good Windows engine?)

Running under Mac OS 9.2.1.


Howard Bornstein
D E S I G N  E Q

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