belay breakpoint

Alex Rice alrice at
Thu Apr 24 11:04:01 EDT 2003

On Thursday, April 24, 2003, at 03:57  AM, Kevin Miller wrote:
> You can do this by turning off "Script Debug Mode" in the menu.  I just
> checked it and it doesn't work correctly in the current beta...but it 
> will
> in the next one.

I mean something like this. Is this what you mean?

(stop at a breakpoint)
[click step out] -> see the calling handler/function
[click step out] -> see the calling handler/function

Kinda like Apple Project Builder, which is a front-end for GNU 
debugger. It has buttons for

Restart Execution,
Pause Execution,
Continue Execution,
Step Over Method or Function Call,
Step Into Method or Function Call,
Step Out Of Current Method or Function

The 3 "step" icons are easy to understand too: a pair of parentheses 
with an arrow going over, in, and out.

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
alrice at
alrice at

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