Test or Quiz Examples

MGreenb551 at aol.com MGreenb551 at aol.com
Sun Apr 20 09:42:01 EDT 2003

I am a 9-12 educator.  I cut my teeth on HyperCard/HyperTalk, which added amazing spark to the activities my students did.  I graduated to HyperStudio/HyperLogo. (Hey, don't laugh.  The scripting language is comparable to HyperTalk.)  The educational stacks my students and I have made in HyperStudio are better than any multimedia that I've seen at the NECC conventions.  The stacks teach up to college-level concepts in math, art, social studies, science, etc.  They've even been running the Phoenix area wrestling tournaments with my HyperStudio and HyperCard stacks for 8 years.  Revolution is a more versatile tool for these purposes, but I have just begun transferring my stacks to Rev.

Beware of taking the flat, lifeless format of paper tests and quizzes and transferring them to the computer screen.  Multimedia offers a zillion engaging alternatives to multiple-choice, short-answer, etc.

HyperStudio stacks can compile to .exe or self-contained Mac files, so I can send you some (for free) if you are interested.  They might give you ideas.  Right now I only have one Rev stack fully ready for students, a large stack with lots of graphics for a lesson in art.

Mark Greenberg

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