Stack Demonstration animation

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto jeanne at
Tue Apr 15 21:13:16 EDT 2003

At 1:25 PM -0700 4/15/03, DVGlasgow at wrote:
>The only clue I have uncovered since posting is that Gif.gIf.giF uses some
>kind of transparency trick to save file space on areas that don't change
>between frames.  Maybe this confuses Rev?

That'll do it. There's a mask-compression trick that results in a
nonstandard GIF, and Rev doesn't deal with this particular trick (basically
because it only works if you play the GIF from the beginning, and Rev can
go directly to any of the frames so it can't make certain assumptions about
the mask). See "Why do some frames of an animated GIF look strange?" in the
docs for details.

Try setting the image's constantMask to true and see whether that improves
the appearance.

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ jeanne at
Runtime Revolution Limited - Software at the Speed of Thought

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