Opacity, 3D and border lines for a Field in 2.0b1, present in 1.1.1

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto jeanne at runrev.com
Tue Apr 15 01:38:03 EDT 2003

At 2:30 AM -0700 4/9/03, François Cuneo wrote:
>"While we're at it, let's set some of the appearance properties for the
>field. Uncheck the checkboxes labelled "Opaque", "3-D" and "Show border"
>Ok in 1.1.1.
>But with the new inspector (great!!!), It's impossible for me to find the
>equivalent for this three options.

They will be back soon. Meanwhile, as a workaround you can set the
properties in the message box:

  set the opaque of the selectedObject to false
  set the threeD of the selectedObject to false
  set the showBorder of the selectedObject to false

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ jeanne at runrev.com
Runtime Revolution Limited - Software at the Speed of Thought

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