initialize an static, local, script-wide variable to empty

Sarah sarahr at
Fri Apr 11 02:41:01 EDT 2003

It seems like you don't need a script-wide local if you have to 
reinitialize it in every handler. If you don't want it to store it's 
value for re-use, then just use the same name in each handler and it 
will effectively re-initialize it every time without you having to do 

Alternatively, you may have want to use the main handler in your script 
to initialize the variable but then set it (in any of the script's 
handlers) and have the new value available to all other handlers until 
the next time the main handler is called. In this case, just put the 
"put empty into sHolder" line in your main handler.

As far as I know, you can't initialize variables outside a handler.

sarahr at

On Friday, April 11, 2003, at 03:54  pm, erik hansen wrote:

> i tried to initialize a static, local,
> script-wide variable to empty but the debugger
> shows
> sHolder = empty # spelled out e-m-p-t-y!
> sHolder is a general utility variable i would
> like to use over and over, like sTotal.
> the script editor disliked value(empty)
> of course i can "put empty into sHolder" for each
> handler, but is there a way to set sHolder to
> empty between each use?
> =====
> erik at
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