Conway's Game of Life

mark mitchell cowhead at
Wed Apr 9 02:51:01 EDT 2003

I've done an extremely basic cellular automata in Rev.  It ain't much, 
and only took about 15 minutes to code, but you're welcome to it.  Just 
make a scrolling field, set the text format to Courier size 10,  then 
stick this script in a button or somewhere.  The cells are then 
different colored apples based on a basic neighbor's rule and a random 
first line:

on mouseUp
   put "" into field 1
   repeat for 91 times
     put "€" after field 1
     put random(2) into zaCol
     if zaCol = 1 then
       set the textColor of character -1 of field 1 to 255,0,0
       set the textColor of character -1 of field 1 to 0,0,255
        end if
   end repeat
   put return after field 1
   put 0 into zaCOunt
repeat for 50 times
add 1 to zaCount
   repeat with i = 1 to 91
   if (i - 1) < 0 then
     put "€" after field 1
     put the textColor of character 1 of field 1 into mycol
     set the textColor of character -1 of field 1 to myCol
     next repeat
   end if
   if (i + 1) > 91 then
    put "€" after field 1
     put the textColor of character 91 of field 1 into mycol
     set the textColor of character -1 of field 1 to myCol
     next repeat

   end if
   put the textColor of character (i - 1) of line zaCount of field 1 into 
   put the textColor of character (i + 1) of line zaCount of field 1 into 
   put the textColor of character i of line zaCount of field 1 into  
   put "€" after field 1
   if forCol = aftCol then
     if thisCol = 255,0,0 then
       set the textColor of character -1 of field 1 to 0,0,255
       set the textColor of character -1 of field  1 to 255,0,0
     end if
     set the textColor of character -1 of field 1 to thisCol
   end if

end repeat
put return after field 1
end repeat
end mouseUp

--mark mitchell

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