Beta 2.0 - Bugs 'n' stuff
erik hansen
erikhans08 at
Mon Apr 7 21:20:01 EDT 2003
--- Kurt Kaufman <kkaufman at> wrote:
> "--I cannot close the Error dialog window AT
> ALL, and Rev will not Quit
> AT
> ALL (the 'Quit' menuitem just causes the Error
> dialog window to come
> back to
> the front). I can open and close other apps,
> but it looks like I will
> have
> to RESTART the computer to get it to quit."
> I take it you are using Mac OS 9.1(from your
> earlier post): To force
> quit any application, press
> [option-command-esc] key combination.
> This might not always work, and in any case,
> after you force quit,
> restart the computer if possible. When all else
> fails, pull the plug
> and wait at least 15 seconds before restarting.
how about command + period?
erik at
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