Beta 2.0 OSX Distribution issues, etc.

Alex Rice alrice at
Mon Apr 7 12:42:01 EDT 2003

On Saturday, April 5, 2003, at 08:29  AM, Bob Arnold wrote:

> Has anyone built an OSX application with 2.0 and encountered any of 
> these
> problems? Any ideas how to avoid/solve them? Do I need to modify the 
> stack's
> menus (I haven't tried that yet)?

I found the distribution builder to be very buggy in this release. Also 
using OS X.

I can't remember if I even got a Hello World app to build before giving 
up on it. I sent the bug reports via the menu Help | Revolution Support.

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
alrice at
alrice at

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