Poor man's encrypted data

Dave Cragg dcragg at lacscentre.co.uk
Sun Apr 6 04:08:10 EDT 2003

At 2:47 pm -0800 5/4/03, Richard Gaskin wrote:
>Dave Cragg wrote:
>>  At 9:46 am -0800 5/4/03, Richard Gaskin wrote:
>>>  Dave Cragg wrote:
>>>>  At 8:21 am -0800 5/4/03, Richard Gaskin wrote:
>>>>>  For sending data across the net in a semi-secure format, can you think of
>>>>>  any downsides to simply storing the data in custom props in a
>>>>>  password-protected stack?
>>>>  One possible downside is that, although the contents of the custom
>>>>  props will be encrypted, if someone is able to get the entire stack
>>>>  data, then with a copy of Rev/Metacard (the starter kit will do) you
>>>>  can still "get" the custom props. (Password-protecting only denies
>>>>  access to the scripts.)
>>>  It was my successful test that prompted my post: with the MC 
>>>2.4.3 engine it
>>>  seems custom props are also encrypted.
>>  The custom props are encrypted when you view the file data, but if
>>  you open the stack with Rev or Metacard, you can still "get" a custom
>>  property without setting the passkey.
>It should be easy for Scott to lock that custom prop access along with
>script editing.

I hope he doesn't, otherwise all my password protected stacks that 
access custom properties would stop running.


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