Button vs. Message box scripts;

Jim Hurley jhurley at infostations.com
Thu Apr 3 08:30:00 EST 2003

>Jim Hurley wrote:
>Thank you so  much for Tangram stack. I love the way  the centroid of
>the  polygon lags behind the mouse, as if it were being dragged
>through a viscous medium. Also the use of polar coordinates is a very
>nice touch.
>P.S. I get a message "stack corrupted" when I try you message box suggestion.
>Message: 3
>Date: Wed, 02 Apr 2003 14:37:11 -0800
>Subject: Re: Button vs. Message box scripts;
>From: Scott Rossi <scott at tactilemedia.com>
>To: <use-revolution at lists.runrev.com>
>Reply-To: use-revolution at lists.runrev.com
>Recently, "Jim Hurley"  wrote:
>>  I get a message "stack corrupted" when I try you message box suggestion.
>That's odd.  Are you using Rev or MC?  Access seems to work fine here in MC
>Mac/Win; I didn't test in Rev so this might be the problem.
>Scott Rossi
>Creative Director
>Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
>E: scott at tactilemedia.com
>W: http://www.tactilemedia.com


I am using Rev on a Mac. The problem may well be idiosyncratic to my machine.

It would be helpful if some other Rev/Mac user on this list would 
test the  following. Run  the line below from the message window in 
Rev and report to Scott whether you receive a "stack corrupted" 

>     go stack url "http://www.tactilemedia.com/panel.mc"


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