hilite, double-click etc.

Toma Tasovac ttasovac at Princeton.EDU
Thu Sep 26 15:40:00 EDT 2002

Just as you (and I) though we were done... :)  I need one more twist added
to my code, and then I can actually sit down and finish translating some
30,000 words from the novel that I¹m preparing for my students.

The code, as stated before, is simple:

on mouseUp
  select the clickText
  put the clickText into tClickedWord
  put the cForms[tClickedWord] of this stack into fld "Translation Display"
  put "  " after fld "Translation Display"
  put the cTranslations[tClickedWord] of this stack after fld "Translation
  set the textStyle of word 1 of fld "Translation Display" to bold
  set the textStyle of word 2 of fld "Translation Display" to italic
end mouseUp

I would like to be able to add certain grammatical and stylistic
explanations which would not be linked to particular words, but rather to
some difficult phrases, metaphoric expressions etc.  So, I wonder if one
could turn some chunks of text into links which would get highlighted with
mouseOver (as in Revolution Documentation) - pointing thus that there is a
note attached to that phrase (not all sentences will have them, of course) ­
and THEN have the link activated with a control-click or double-click
(since single click should be reserved for individual words), displaying the
note in the field ³Translation Display.²

Awaiting a kind response in fear and trepidation...
Yours truly,
Toma Tasovac
Princeton University
Department of Comparative Literature
318 East Pyne
Princeton, NJ 08544

ttasovac at princeton.edu
ttasovac at post.harvard.edu

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