sort accent char correctly

Jan Schenkel janschenkel at
Wed Sep 25 11:48:01 EDT 2002

Hi Sylvain,

You could use the keyword "international"
  sort lines of tVariable international
but Yves Coppe reported having problems with it.

Relevant links to the use-revolution archive:

An alternative sort routine was developed, and here's
the resulting code:

function myInternationalSort sourceVar
  put myUpper(sourceVar) into upperVar
  put upperVar into sortVar
  sort the lines of sortVar
  repeat for each line theLine of sortVar
    put line (lineOffset(theLine, upperVar)) of \
    sourceVar & return after resultVar
  end repeat
  delete char -1 of resultVar
  return resultVar
end myInternationalSort

function myUpper pString
  repeat for each char tChar in pString
    put myUpperChar(tChar) after tString
  end repeat
  return tString
end myUpper

function myUpperChar pChar
  if toLower(pChar) is in "áàâ" then return "A"
  if toLower(pChar) is in "éèê" then return "E"
  if toLower(pChar) is in "úùû" then return "U"
  -- add some more lines for the other vowels...
  if toLower(pChar) is in "ç" then return "C"
  -- default is standard toUpper()
  return toUpper(pChar)
end myUpperChar

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish
at the same time."  (De Rochefoucald)

--- Sylvain_Le_Gourriérec
<sylvain.legourrierec at> wrote:
> hello,
> I know that topic was discussed a few days ago but I
> do not remenber how the problem was solved!
> In french, we love to use é ù à É À...
> But revolution sort 'Canon, Crayon, Câble' instead
> of 'Câble, Canon, Crayon'.
> How can I quickly obtain this result?
> thanks
> Sylvain Le Gourriérec  --  développement  --
> son-video-distribution
> ------------- I am working with Windows 2000,
> Revolution 1.1.1, MySQL 3.23 & PHP 4

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