blend Images

paolo mazza mazzapaolo at
Sun Sep 22 14:58:01 EDT 2002

This script implements the previous one.
Two images, placed one over the other, are joint/blent together in one
single image. The smaller image is deleted at the end of the process.

The script works but has two problems:
- it is slow
- it takes an incredible amount of ram
Any suggestions to speed the process?
Paolo Mazza

Please be informed that:
The name of the bigger image (on the bottom) must be "imagine1".
The bigger image  should have not a transparent background.

on MouseUp
  put the ID of the last image into NNN
  if there is not image "imagine1" then
    answer "There is not image imagine1" with "OK"
    exit Mouseup
  end if
  put the MaskData of image "imagine1"  into MascheraData0
  put the ImageData of image "imagine1" into ImmagineData0
  put the MaskData of image ID NNN  into MascheraData2
  put the ImageData of image ID NNN into ImmagineData2
  put MascheraData0 into MascheraData1
  put ImmagineData0 into ImmagineData1
  put  the width of image "imagine1"  into X1
  put the height of image "imagine1"  into Y1
  put  the width of image ID NNN  into X2
  put the height of image ID NNN  into Y2
  if X2>X1 then exit to top
  if Y2>Y1 then exit to top
  if the right of image "imagine1" < the right of  the last image   then
exit to top
  if the bottom of image "imagine1" < the bottom of  the last image   then
exit to top

  put the left of image "imagine1" into ORR1
  put the left of  the last image  into ORR2
  put ORR2-ORR1 into ORR
  if ORR<0 then exit to top

  put the top of image "imagine1" into VER1
  put the top of  the last image  into VER2
  put VER2-VER1 into VER
  if VER<0 then exit to top
  put "0" into KY
  repeat for Y2
    put "0" into KX
    repeat for X2
      put KX+1 into KX
      put ORR+KX+((KY+VER)*X1) into PAR1
      put KX+(KY*X2) into PAR2
      if chartonum(char PAR2 of MascheraData2) <>  "0"  then
        --  put char PAR2 of MascheraData2 into char PAR1 of MascheraData1
        put PAR1*4 into PAR1
        put PAR2*4 into PAR2
        put char (PAR2-3) to PAR2 of ImmagineData2 into char (PAR1-3) to
PAR1 of ImmagineData1
      end if
    end repeat
    put KY+1 into KY
  end repeat
  if the number of chars of MascheraData1 is the number of chars of
MascheraData0  and  the number of chars of ImmagineData1 is the number of
chars of ImmagineData0  then
    set the MaskData of image "imagine1" to MascheraData1
    set the ImageData of image "imagine1" to ImmagineData1
  end if
  delete last image
  beep 1
end MouseUp

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