Question about backgrounds

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto jeanne at
Sat Sep 21 22:13:00 EDT 2002

At 2:54 PM -0700 9/20/2002, ncouch wrote:
>In Hypercard I was used to being able to manipulate backgrounds at will and
>have it applied to all other cards automatically.  In Revolution I find that
>if I modify the background then the other cards with the same background
>lose the background (and all data thereon) altogether.  I have looked
>through the help and tutorials with little insight on how to accomplish

The only time that should happen is if you ungroup the group you're working
with (which makes it not a group any more). Is this what you're doing?

It's possible to ungroup and re-group without leaving the card, and have
the group still appear on the other cards it's supposed to be on. But it's
much safer to select the group and then choose Edit Group (from the Object
menu, or click Edit on the Toolbar), make changes, then choose Edit Group
again to leave the mode. This will prevent having the group disappear from
other cards since you never ungroup the objects.

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto ~ jeanne at
Runtime Revolution Limited - The Solution for Software Development

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