Relative paths for external audio and video files?

Geoff Canyon gcanyon at
Sat Sep 21 18:15:01 EDT 2002

>Dear Jerry,
>I was just about to post this exact question myself, so I would be grateful
>if you could let me know of any solution you find on this! I've used Import
>as Control myself, but you're right - it's not ideal for larger files and in
>any case it doesn't seem to transport across platforms, which is what I want
>to do (I'm developing on a mac but want to burn on cd to use on windows).
>> I am a new user of Revolution. I noticed that both Videos and Images are not
>> embedded and need to connect with external files. This is easy when I'm
>> building, the images and videos are right there on my hard drive. But when I
>> build to CD I need relative paths so that the images and videos I burned to
>> disc will play in anyones CD drive regardless of the Drive letter.  How do
>> you create/insert relative paths in Revolution?
>> I am resending this for publication in full on the list. I was advised by a
>> kind gentleman on the users mail list that Import as Control would work.
>> Well, Yes and No.  I was able to import as control images, text and snapshot
>> but not video or audio files.  Is there a secret to this? Video files work
>> great from the toolbar.  Then there is the question of whether you would
>> want embedded video files sized 387mb as anything but external files. I am
>> running Rev version 1.1.1 on a PC running Windows 98SE.
>> Thanks for your reply
>Dr Robin Banerjee
>robinb at
>use-revolution mailing list
>use-revolution at

You can import referenced controls, but you need to make sure you end up with relative paths to ensure that the application will be able to find the media after you build a standalone. I do this by simply storing media in folders in the same folder as the Revolution application. Others want their media to be in the same folder as the stack file, so they have to do a little work at startup to create the right path.


Geoff Canyon
gcanyon at

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