Request for input from the more experienced users please.

Rob Cozens rcozens at
Sun Sep 15 10:52:01 EDT 2002

Hi Paul,

I've been designing & programming software since 1974.  My primary 
focus is small to medium sized business & governmental accounting 

>Among my concerns are:
>No grid or listview (I've been told this is in the works but I'm not
>much on vaper ware.) Is there an existing third party solution for

Unfortunately, I have no experience with VB; so I don't know what 
grids and listviews do in that environment.  If your goal is to align 
controls at a fixed grid coordinate, I don't think is totally 
straightforward; but I've never tried it.  If your goal is to align 
multiple controls, it's simply a matter of clicking on the control 
you want the rest aligned to, shift-clicking on the controls you want 
aligned to it, selecting the align menuItem, and specify whether 
alignment is based on top, bottom, left edge, etc.

If a VB listview shows you all the components & assorted resources of 
an application, I would guess RunRev's Application Overview has it 

>I understand that Rev can access MySQL but I'm wondering does it use
>MyODBC or a natural integration like that of PHP?

Don't know, as I'm not using MySQL.

>Report capabilities.  I've had a rather disastrous experience trying
>to print from the documentation that comes with Rev.  This makes me
>wonder about it's report and print capabilities.

A beefed-up report printing capability is in the wings (read "still 
vaporware as of this release"); however I find the revPrintText 
command more than adequate for users who accept monoproportional, 
single-font business reports.  The Serendipity Library includes a 
printTable handler that puts a wrapper around revPrintText for ease 
of use.

>What are Rev's multie-user capabilities?  Does it have true record
>locking capabilities?

In the original implementation of Xtalk (HyperCard), the first user 
to open a stack has read/write access and all other users get read 
access only.  I have not checked this in RunRev; but I believe the 
underlying MetaCard engine follows this convention.  Obviously, 
multi-user access and record-locking for database access is a 
function of the db engine.

>If those more experienced users would please address the above and
>provide any additional information they think might be helpful in my
>decision making process I'd be most appreciative.

If control & power to design an engaging, interactive user interface 
is important to you, you've come to the right place.

Rob Cozens
CCW, Serendipity Software Company

"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."

from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)

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