Images & clipboard problems

Klaus Major klaus.major at
Fri Sep 13 09:57:01 EDT 2002

Bonjour Mr. le docteur,

> I would really appreciate help regarding the 2 following problems :
> - Image :
> When I do [put URL "binfile:myImage.gif" into image "revImage"] 
> everything works as expected.
> When I do [put image "revImage" into URL "file:whatSoEverImage.gif"] I 
> get expected garbage (text file), but when I do [put image "revImage" 
> into URL "binfile:whatSoEverImage.gif"] I get garbage as well.
> And when I do [put imageData of image "revImage" into URL 
> "binfile:whatSoEverImage.gif"] I obviously get even more garbage.
> Am I really that stupid or am I missing something ?

I don't know you at all, so i can just answer the second part of the 
last sentence ;-)

The export to a gif-file is not supported in RR out of the box.

You can export to jpg or png-files.
(And to the quite popular PBM-format !? ;-)

Search the index for "export paint"...

Example script:

on mouseup
   select img "my export image"
   export jpeg to url"binfile:your_exported_image.jpg"
   ### export png to url"binfile:your_exported_image.png"
   select empty
end mouseup

> - Clipboard :
> I would be delighted to know whether someone knows how do something 
> like that : [put URL "binfile:../clipBoardFile" into image "myImage"] 
> where clipBoardFile is supposed to be the file where the Sytem stores 
> the clipboard data. Assuming that 1) the data is an image, 2) Mac OS X 
> as well as Mac OS 9.x stores clipboard data in a file somewhere rather 
> than in memory.
> The clipBoard() function is rather useless and gives only information 
> about the data type. Is there another one which allows access to the 
> content of the clipboard rather than the type ?

I am not sure in this case.

Maybe someone can answer this better...

> Zillions thanks in advance for your reply.

Ah, merci beaucoup monsieur...

Au revoir

Klaus Major
klaus.major at

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