Distributing Rev Stacks (was The age of user-translatable applications...

Chipp Walters chipp at chipp.com
Thu Sep 12 16:23:01 EDT 2002


I don't know about Macs, but just use a plain .zip file for PC's. It works


> -----Original Message-----
> From: use-revolution-admin at lists.runrev.com
> [mailto:use-revolution-admin at lists.runrev.com]On Behalf Of Rob Cozens
> Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2002 10:01 AM
> To: use-revolution at lists.runrev.com
> Subject: Distributing Rev Stacks (was The age of user-translatable
> applications...
> >I don't think browsers are compliant with any compression technology
> >- at least until you install some decompression utility which
> >registers itself as a helper.
> Troy, et al:
> BinHex is NOT a compression routine, but a translation routine (it
> actually expands file sizes.  It basically (someone correct me if I'm
> wrong) translates binary data into text to ensure data integrity
> during Internet transfers, and on Macs it makes sure the resource
> fork gets installed correctly.
> Perhaps a general discussion of the best techniques for distributing
> Rev stacks is in order.  From my experience on Mac OS, Netscape & IE
> will automatically unBinHex any downloaded .hqx file.  It's been
> years since I used AOL's browser; but I believe it is BinHex
> compliant as well.
> Have you tried downloading a BinHexed file from your browser without
> any special setup or "registration"?
> There are two different distribution issues for me:
> What format should be used to present bundled files?
> What format should be used to present individual stacks?
> File bundles, so far as I can see, must be specific to to the platform.
> On Macs .sit files are NOT acceptable, because .sits are version
> specific: if the downloader has the wrong version of StuffIt, the
> archive won't expand.  So I use self-expanding archives (.sea);
> however .seas don't always get downloaded correctly, whereas I have
> NEVER had a downloader report a problem with BinHexed files.
> Perhaps all Windows .zips are version independent (you tell me).  I
> am, rightly or wrongly, applying lessons from Mac OS to Windows in
> selecting a WinZip self-expanding archive and BinHexing it.
> I have no idea how to bundle files for Unix, which is one reason the
> ftp site lists individual files in addition to bundles...the other
> reason is so people can update individual Library components without
> having to download the whole enchilada.
> Now when it comes to individual stacks, I want ONE format that can be
> used to download to any platform.  I believe BinHex is that format.
> If I am wrong, what do others suggest?  A few years ago I read an
> article that suggested BinHex was the ONLY 100% safe format for
> Internet file transfer.  Would others care to comment?
> --
> Rob Cozens
> CCW, Serendipity Software Company
> http://www.oenolog.com/who.htm
> "And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
> Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."
> from "The Triple Foole" by John Donne (1572-1631)
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