Background in OS X

Ken Ray kray at
Tue Sep 3 08:40:01 EDT 2002

> At 8:14 PM -0700 8/29/2002, Monte Goulding wrote:
> >How do we get the correct default background on OS X. When I create a new
> >stack it's all white!
> White is correct (by the guidelines) for OS X document windows (i.e.
> topLevel stacks). If you make it a modal or modeless dialog or a palette,
> the stripes should show up.

If for some reason you want the background to be striped for a document
window, you can take a screen capture of the striped background, grab a
portion of it, import it into Rev and then set the backgroundPattern of the
stack to the imported image.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Email: kray at
Web Site:

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