OS X- quartz or not?

Alex Rice alex at mindlube.com
Sun Oct 20 23:53:01 EDT 2002

In the realbasic strengths section of
it says "REALBasic apps use Quartz rendering."

Right now I am running QuartzDebug.app, which comes with the MacOS X  
Devloper tools. I compiled a Rev app (using Rev 1.1.1) for 10.2 and am  
looking at it with QuartzDebug.app. The Rev app lights up like a  
christmas tree (indicating Quartz drawing) and I can tell no difference  
in the QuartzDebug output between the Rev app and say, TextEdit, which  
is a Cocoa application and which definitely uses Quartz text rendering.

Based on this anecdotal evidence I would venture that Rev apps on OS X  
do already use Quartz thanks to Appearance Manager. Can someone who  
knows Quartz well write a rebuttal for that item?

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
alrice at swcp.com
alex_rice at arc.to

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