Startkit limitations for stacks already containing long scripts

WordWork wordwork at
Wed Oct 16 14:20:01 EDT 2002

Dear all,

on 16-10-02 15:49, Bill Vlahos at bvlahos at wrote:
> Correction. I just checked the Rev site and K-12 student pricing can be
> even cheaper than what I said below. It is $25 for 10 licenses and even
> cheaper for more.
Thanks Bill!  My apologies to the list and the folks at Rev!!  I should have
checked that first.  That's not too much for us to find in research monies.
I look forward to some good years ahead!!  (Just so excited about my
discovery, I guess, to take the time to check that one out!!)
> I'm not sure what you want the Rev folks to do beyond those prices.
> In the US, people get tax reductions for donating to schools. Is that
> true in Norway?
No way, Bill. This is a socialist country!!  They've just introduced the
possibility in this year's budget (not law yet) to upgrade volontary
donations from kr.900 per year to 6000 - we're progressing (though we do
have many other fantastic advantages: have you seen our scenery!!)

on 16-10-02 13:35, Kevin Miller at kevin at wrote:
> There are no legal restrictions on doing this, if the end user is editing
> scripts up to 10 lines that is fine.
This is good news too, of course!

on 16-10-02 18:17, Ken Norris (dialup) at pixelbird at wrote:
> I'm not giving away any secrets here. Two possible solutions:
> 1. (etc, etc, etc. see Ken's posting)
Thanks Ken for these helpful hints.  I'm not an expert programmer by any
means, but yes, I get the picture.  It's just a little more complex than we
were used with HyperCard.  But that said, we're getting a lot more than HC
here!! (cross platform, and much more control over what we CAN do, I think)

Many thanks to all who responded so promptly.  This is a great list, and
though I usually just READ, it's good to know the community of enthusiasts
is out there.

Good work.

Bill Gray 
7600 Levanger
tlf:   +47 74089979
mob:   +47 95153265
epost: wordwork at

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